import os import sys import json import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon import xbmcplugin import xbmcvfs import sqlite3 import re import urllib.request import urllib.parse import urllib.error # Config constants ADDON_NAME = "" ADDON_SHORTNAME = "SC19" BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) DB_FAVOURITES_FILE = "favourites-sc.db" DB_FAVOURITES = xbmcvfs.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/%s/%s" % (ADDON_NAME, DB_FAVOURITES_FILE)) DB_TEXTURES = xbmcvfs.translatePath("special://userdata/Database/Textures13.db") PATH_THUMBS = xbmcvfs.translatePath("special://userdata/Thumbnails/") # Queries Q_THUMBNAILS = "SELECT url,cachedurl FROM texture WHERE url LIKE ''" Q_DEL_THUMBNAILS = "DELETE FROM texture WHERE url LIKE ''" # Addon init PLUGIN_ID = int(sys.argv[1]) ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=ADDON_NAME) # Paths ART_FOLDER = ADDON.getAddonInfo('path') + '/resources/media/' # URLs and headers for requests SITE_URL = "" SITE_REFFERER = "" SITE_ORIGIN = "" SITE_ACCEPT = "text/html" API_ENDPOINT_MODELS = "" API_ENDPOINT_MODELS_FILTER = "{0}&offset={1}&primaryTag={2}&filterGroupTags=[[\"{3}\"]]&sortBy={4}" API_ENDPOINT_MODEL = "{0}/cam" API_ENDPOINT_MEMBERS = "{0}/members" API_ENDPOINT_ALBUMS = "{0}/albums" API_ENDPOINT_ALBUM = "{0}/albums/{1}/photos" API_ENDPOINT_VIDEOS = "{0}/videos" API_ENDPOINT_SEARCH = "{0}&type=username" SNAPSHOT_IMAGE = "{0}/thumbs/{1}/{2}_webp" # User agent(s) USER_AGENT = " Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36" # Site specific constants LIST_LIMITS = [10, 25, 50, 75, 100] LIST_LIMIT = LIST_LIMITS[ADDON.getSettingInt('list_limit')] SORT_BY_OPTIONS = ["stripRanking", "trending"] SORT_BY_STD = SORT_BY_OPTIONS[ADDON.getSettingInt('sort_by')] PRIMARY_TAG = "girls" DEL_THUMBS_ON_STARTUP = ADDON.getSettingBool('del_thumbs_on_startup') USER_STATES = { 'public' : '', 'private' : 'pvt', 'p2p' : 'p2p', 'virtualPrivate' : 'vPvt', 'groupShow' : 'group', 'p2pVoice' : 'p2pV', 'idle' : 'idle', 'off' : 'off' } USER_STATES_NICE = { 'public' : 'Public', 'private' : 'Private Session', 'p2p' : 'Peer2Peer Session', 'virtualPrivate' : 'Private Session (VR)', 'groupShow' : 'Group Show', 'p2pVoice' : 'Peer2Peer Session (VR)', 'idle' : 'Public Idle', 'off' : 'Offline' } # Tuples for menu and categories on site SITE_MENU = (('Categories - Girls', "sitecat=cats-f", "Show girls cams only."), ('Categories - Couples', "sitecat=cats-c", "Show couples cams only."), ('Categories - Guys', "sitecat=cats-m", "Show guys cams only."), ('Categories - Trans', "sitecat=cats-t", "Show trans cams only."), ("Favourites", "favourites", "Favourites list. Online status will be checked on opening the list."), ("Search", "search", "Search for an exact username.\nA little more info about than with fuzzy search."), ("Fuzzy search", "fuzzy", "List cams containing searchterm in username."), ("Random 10", "random10", "Random 10 live models (girls)"), ("Tools", "sitecat=tools", "Some tools for cleanup and favourites.") ) SITE_CATS_F = (("All", "category/girls", ""), ("Recommended", "category/girls/recommended", ""), ("VR cams", "category/girls/autoTagVr", ""), ("New cams", "category/girls/autoTagNew", ""), ("Teen 18-21", "category/girls/ageTeen", ""), ("Young 22-34", "category/girls/ageYoung", ""), ("MILF", "category/girls/ageMilf", ""), ("Mature", "category/girls/ageMature", ""), ("Granny", "category/girls/ageOld", ""), ("Arab", "category/girls/ethnicityMiddleEastern", ""), ("Asian", "category/girls/ethnicityAsian", ""), ("Ebony", "category/girls/ethnicityEbony", ""), ("Indian", "category/girls/ethnicityIndian", ""), ("Latina", "category/girls/ethnicityLatino", ""), ("White", "category/girls/ethnicityWhite", "")) SITE_CATS_M = (('All', "category/men", ""), ("New cams", "category/men/autoTagNew", "")) SITE_CATS_C = (('All', "category/couples", ""), ("New cams", "category/couples/autoTagNew", "")) SITE_CATS_T = (('All', "category/trans", ""), ("New cams", "category/trans/autoTagNew", "")) SITE_TOOLS = (("Backup Favourites", "tool=fav-backup", "Backup favourites (Set backup location in settings first). \nExisting favourites file will be overwritten without warning."), ("Restore Favourites", "tool=fav-restore", "Restore your favourites from backup location."), ("Delete Thumbnails", "tool=thumbnails-delete", "Delete cached stripchat related thumbnail files and database entries.")) # Strings STRINGS = { 'na' : 'User is not available', 'last_status' : 'Last status: ', 'unknown_status' : 'Unkown status: ', 'not_live' : 'User is not live at the moment' } def evaluate_request(): """Evaluate what has been picked in Kodi""" if sys.argv[2]: param = sys.argv[2] # Navigation by parameter if "sitecat=" in param: get_menu(re.findall(r'sitecat=(.*)', param)[0]) elif "favourites" in param: get_favourites() elif "search" in param: search_actor() elif "getProfile" in param: get_profile_data(re.findall(r'\?getProfile=(.*)', param)[0]) elif "fuzzy" in param: search_actor2() elif "random10" in param: get_cams_from_json() elif "tool=" in param: tool = re.findall(r'\?tool=(.*)', param)[0] if tool == "fav-backup": tool_fav_backup() if tool == "fav-restore": tool_fav_restore() if tool == "thumbnails-delete": tool_thumbnails_delete() elif "category" in param: get_cams_by_category() elif "playactor=" in param: play_actor(re.findall(r'\?playactor=(.*)', param)[0]) elif "getalbums=" in param: get_albums(re.findall(r'\?getalbums=(.*)', param)[0]) elif "getvideos=" in param: get_videos(re.findall(r'\?getvideos=(.*)', param)[0]) elif "getalbum=" in param: get_album(re.findall(r'\?getalbum=(.*)&', param)[0], re.findall(r'&id=(.*)', param)[0]) elif "playurl=" in param: play_url(re.findall(r'\?playurl=(.*)&', param)[0], re.findall(r'&title=(.*)', param)[0]) elif "showpicture=" in param: show_picture(re.findall(r'\?showpicture=(.*)', param)[0]) elif "getpicture=" in param: get_picture(re.findall(r'\?getpicture=(.*)', param)[0]) elif "slideshow=" in param: slideshow(re.findall(r'\?slideshow=(.*)&', param)[0], re.findall(r'&id=(.*)', param)[0]) else: get_menu("main") def get_menu(param): """Decision tree. Shows main menu by default""" itemlist = SITE_MENU if param == "cats-f": itemlist = SITE_CATS_F elif param == "cats-m": itemlist = SITE_CATS_M elif param == "cats-c": itemlist = SITE_CATS_C elif param == "cats-t": itemlist = SITE_CATS_T elif param == "tools": itemlist = SITE_TOOLS # Build menu items items = [] for item in itemlist: url = sys.argv[0] + '?' + item[1] li = xbmcgui.ListItem(item[0]) li.setInfo('video', {'plot': item[2]}) items.append((url, li, True)) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PLUGIN_ID, items) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(PLUGIN_ID) def tool_fav_backup(): path = ADDON.getSetting('fav_path_backup') source = DB_FAVOURITES destination = path + DB_FAVOURITES_FILE if path == "": xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Backup Favourites", "Backup path is empty. Please set a valid path in settings menu under \"Favourites\" first.") xbmcaddon.Addon(id=ADDON_NAME).openSettings() else: if xbmcvfs.exists(source): if xbmcvfs.copy(source, destination): xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Backup Favourites", "Backup of favourites to backup path succesful.") else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Backup Favourites", "Something went wrong.") else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Backup Favourites", "Favourites file is empty. Nothing to backup.") def tool_fav_restore(): path = ADDON.getSetting('fav_path_backup') source = path + DB_FAVOURITES_FILE destination = DB_FAVOURITES if path == "": xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Restore Favourites", "Restore path is empty. Please set a valid path in settings menu under \"Favourites\" first.") xbmcaddon.Addon(id=ADDON_NAME).openSettings() else: if xbmcvfs.exists(source): if xbmcvfs.copy(source, destination): xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Restore Favourites", "Restore of favourites succesful.") else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Restore Favourites", "Something went wrong.") else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Restore Favourites", "No valid file found in restore location. Make a backup first or check location.") def connect_favourites_db(): "Connect to favourites database and create one, if it does not exist." db_con = sqlite3.connect(DB_FAVOURITES) c = db_con.cursor() try: c.execute("SELECT * FROM favourites;") except sqlite3.OperationalError: c.executescript("CREATE TABLE favourites (user primary key);") return db_con def get_profile_data(item): data = get_site_page_full(API_ENDPOINT_MODEL.format(item)) data = json.loads(data) xbmc.log("AVATAR URL: " + data["user"]["user"]["avatarUrl"], 1) #return data["user"]["user"]["avatarUrl"] return data["user"]["user"]["avatarUrl"] def get_favourites(): """Get list of favourites from addon's db""" # Clean Thumbnails before opening the list if DEL_THUMBS_ON_STARTUP: tool_thumbnails_delete2() # Connect to favourites db db_con = connect_favourites_db() c = db_con.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM favourites") res = [] for (user) in c.fetchall(): res.append((user[0])) res.sort() # Settings fav_default_icon = ADDON.getSettingBool('fav_default_icon') fav_check_online_status = ADDON.getSettingBool('fav_check_online_status') # Progress bar prg = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() prg.create("Scanning favourites", "0 from " + str(len(res)) ) n = 0 i = 0 chunk = 100/len(res) # Build kodi listitems for virtual directory items = [] for item in res: # Cancel scanning if prg.iscanceled(): fav_check_online_status = False n += 1 i += chunk prg.update(int(i), "Favourite " + str(n) + " from " + str(len(res)) + " ( " + item + " )") url = sys.argv[0] + '?playactor=' + item li = xbmcgui.ListItem(item) #Get JSON for model to load avatar, fanart and status try: if fav_check_online_status: data = get_site_page_full(API_ENDPOINT_MODEL.format(item)) data = json.loads(data) status = data["user"]["user"]['status'] username = get_username_string_from_status(item, status) # Show avatar if not live if not status == "public": if fav_default_icon: li.setArt({'icon': get_icon_from_status(status), 'fanart': data["user"]["user"]['previewUrl']}) else: li.setArt({'icon': data["user"]["user"]["avatarUrl"], 'fanart': data["user"]["user"]['previewUrl']}) else: #SNAPSHOT_IMAGE = "{0}/{1}_webp" snap = "{0}/{1}_webp".format(data["user"]["user"]['snapshotTimestamp'],data["user"]["user"]['id']) li.setArt({'icon': snap, 'thumb': snap, 'fanart': data["user"]["user"]['previewUrl']}) # Tag info plot = get_tag_string_for_plot(data["user"]["user"]) # Status plot += "Status: " + status + "\n" # Prices plot += get_prices_string_for_plot(data["user"]["user"]) # Set plot li.setInfo('video', {'plot': plot}) #xbmc.log("URL AVATAR: " + data["user"]["user"]["avatarUrl"]) # Just list names else: username = item li.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultVideo.png'}) except Exception as e: # User does not exist anymore #xbmc.log("ERROR: " + str(e) + ". User " + item + " does not exist (anymore)!", 1) username = item + " (DEL)" li.setInfo('video', {'plot': 'Username does not exist (anymore)!'}) #pass li.setLabel(username) #Check offline etc. and add info to name! #Check for error if model deleted # Context menu li.addContextMenuItems(get_ctx_for_cam_item(item, True), True) items.append((url, li, True)) # Put items to virtual directory listing and set sortings xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'videos') xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PLUGIN_ID, items) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(PLUGIN_ID) def get_cams_from_json(): """List available cams by category""" data = get_site_page_full('') # JSON data = json.loads(data) # Build kodi list items for virtual directory items = [] id = 0 for item in data['models']: username = item['username'] icon = item['snapshotUrl'] #icon = item['avatarUrl'] if 'goalMessage' in item: message = item['goalMessage'] else: message = "n/a" viewers = item['viewersCount'] url = sys.argv[0] + '?playactor=' + username xbmc.log("SC19: " + url,1) li = xbmcgui.ListItem(username) li.setLabel(username) li.setArt({'icon': icon, 'fanart': item['previewUrl']}) li.setInfo('video', {'sorttitle': str(id).zfill(2) + " - " + username}) id = id + 1 li.setInfo('video', { 'plot': "GOAL: " + message + "\n" + "\nStatus: " + item['status'] + "\nViewers: " + str(viewers) + "\nFavorited: " + str(item['favoritedCount']) }) li.setInfo('video', {'count': viewers}) # Context menu li.addContextMenuItems(get_ctx_for_cam_item(username), True) items.append((url, li, True)) # Put items to virtual directory listing and set sortings put_virtual_directoy_listing(items) def get_cams_by_category(): """List available cams by category""" # Filter category cat = sys.argv[2].replace("%2f", "/") cat = cat.replace("?category/", "") # Default parameters limit = LIST_LIMIT sortBy = SORT_BY_STD primaryTag = PRIMARY_TAG filterGroupTags = "" offset = 0 # Filter paramters paras = cat.split("/") if len(paras) == 1: primaryTag = paras[0] if len(paras) == 2: primaryTag = paras[0] filterGroupTags = paras[1] if len(paras) == 3: primaryTag = paras[0] filterGroupTags = paras[1] offset = int(paras[2]) url = API_ENDPOINT_MODELS_FILTER.format(limit, offset, primaryTag, filterGroupTags, sortBy) xbmc.log("URL: " + url, 1) try: data = get_site_page_full(url) data = data.decode('utf-8') cams = json.loads(data) # result for category has a filteredCount value if "filteredCount" in cams: filteredCount = cams['filteredCount'] totalCount = cams['filteredCount'] # search results have totalCount value only else: filteredCount = cams['totalCount'] totalCount = cams['totalCount'] #xbmc.log("MARKER1",1) # Build kodi list items for virtual directory items = get_cam_infos_as_items(cams) #xbmc.log("MARKER2",1) # Pagination newOffset = offset + LIST_LIMIT if newOffset < filteredCount: nextpageurl = "category/" + primaryTag + "/" + filterGroupTags + "/" + str(newOffset) if newOffset+LIST_LIMIT > totalCount: li = xbmcgui.ListItem("Next (%s to %s)" % (str(newOffset+1),str(totalCount))) else: li = xbmcgui.ListItem("Next (%s to %s)" % (str(newOffset+1),str(newOffset+LIST_LIMIT))) # Context menu commands = [] commands.append(('Back first page',"Container.Update(%s?%s, replace)" % ( sys.argv[0], "category/" + primaryTag + "/" + filterGroupTags))) commands.append(('Back main menu',"Container.Update(%s, replace)" % ( sys.argv[0]))) li.addContextMenuItems(commands, False) li.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultFolder.png'}) li.setInfo('video', {'sorttitle': str(999).zfill(2) + " - Next Page"}) li.setInfo('video', {'count': str(-1)}) li.setInfo('video', {'plot': "Total cams: " + str(filteredCount)}) xbmc.log("NEXT PAGE URL: " + sys.argv[0] + '?'+nextpageurl, 1) items.append((sys.argv[0] + '?'+nextpageurl, li, False)) # Put items to virtual directory listing and set sortings put_virtual_directoy_listing(items) return except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Error", "Error filtering cams.") return def put_virtual_directoy_listing(items): """Put items to virtual directory listing and set sortings""" xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'videos') xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_SORT_TITLE) #xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_PROGRAM_COUNT) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(int(sys.argv[1]), xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PLUGIN_ID, items) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(PLUGIN_ID) def get_viewers_count(actor): url = API_ENDPOINT_MEMBERS.format(actor) try: data = get_site_page_full(url) data = json.loads(data) viewers = data["guests"] + data["spies"] + data["invisibles"] + data["greens"] + data["golds"] + data["regulars"] return viewers except: return 0 def get_albums(actor): #xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("GET ALBUMS", "Get albums for: " + actor) # accessMode: friends|free|fanClub|paid # Get setting to show free plus restricted items show_all = ADDON.getSettingBool('ctx_show_all_albums') try: data = get_site_page_full(API_ENDPOINT_ALBUMS.format(actor)) data = json.loads(data) data = data['albums'] #xbmc.log(str(data), 1) # Just show directory if there is something to show if len(data) == 0: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Profile albums", "There are no albums available for this profile") return if not show_all: no_freeitems = True for item in data: if item['accessMode'] == 'free': no_freeitems = False if no_freeitems: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Profile albums", "There are no free albums available for this profile") return # Parse items and build kodi listitems for virtual directory items = [] for item in data: url = sys.argv[0] + '?getalbum=' + actor + "&id=" + str(item['id']) li = xbmcgui.ListItem(str(item['id'])) #li.setInfo(type="Image", infoLabels={"Title": item['name'] + " "+ str(item['photosCount'])}) li.setInfo('video', {'plot': "Photos: " + str(item['photosCount'])}) if show_all: if not item['accessMode'] == 'free': li.setArt({'icon': item['previewMicro'], 'thumb' : item['previewMicro']}) if item['accessMode'] == 'paid': li.setLabel(item['name'] + " (" + str(item['cost']) + " tks)") if item['accessMode'] == 'friends': li.setLabel(item['name'] + " (friends)") if item['accessMode'] == 'fanClub': li.setLabel(item['name'] + " (fan club)") if item['accessMode'] == 'verified': li.setLabel(item['name'] + " (verified)") items.append((url, li, True)) else: li.setLabel(item['name']) li.setArt({'icon': item['preview'], 'fanart' : item['preview'], 'thumb' : item['preview']}) # Context menu #commands = [] #commands.append(('Slideshow',"Container.Update(%s?%s)" % ( sys.argv[0], "slideshow=" + actor + "&id=" + str(str(item['id']))))) #li.addContextMenuItems(commands, False) items.append((url, li, True)) else: if item['accessMode'] == 'free': li.setLabel(item['name']) li.setArt({'icon': item['preview'], 'fanart' : item['preview'], 'thumb' : item['preview']}) items.append((url, li, True)) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'images') xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PLUGIN_ID, items) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(PLUGIN_ID) #xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Info", "Number of items: " + str(albums)) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Error", "Error filtering albums.") return def get_album(actor, id): try: data = get_site_page_full(API_ENDPOINT_ALBUM.format(actor,id)) data = json.loads(data) data = data['photos'] if len(data) == 0: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("No photos", "Album contains no photos to display.") else: items = [] i = 1 for item in data: li = xbmcgui.ListItem(str(item['id'])) li.setLabel("Photo " + str(i).zfill(2)) i += 1 if not "url" in item: li.setArt({'icon': item['urlThumbMicro']}) url = sys.argv[0] + '?showpicture=' + item['urlThumbMicro'] else: li.setArt({'icon': item['urlThumb'], 'thumb': item['urlThumb']}) url = sys.argv[0] + '?showpicture=' + item['url'] #url = item['url'] li.setArt({'thumb': item['urlThumb']}) #li.setInfo(type="Image", infoLabels={"Title": "PIC"}) li.setInfo(type='pictures', infoLabels={"title": "Photo " + str(i).zfill(2), "picturepath": item['url']}) #li.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true") #items.append((url, li, True)) #items.append((url, li, False)) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(int(sys.argv[1]), url, li) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'images') #xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PLUGIN_ID, items) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(PLUGIN_ID) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Error", "Error getting album.") def get_videos(actor): # accessMode: friends|free|fanClub|paid|verified # Get setting to show free plus restricted items show_all = ADDON.getSettingBool('ctx_show_all_videos') try: data = get_site_page_full(API_ENDPOINT_VIDEOS.format(actor)) data = json.loads(data) data = data['videos'] # Just show directory if there is something to show if len(data) == 0: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Profile videos", "There are no videos available for this profile") return if not show_all: no_freeitems = True for item in data: if item['accessMode'] == 'free': no_freeitems = False if no_freeitems: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Profile videos", "There are no free videos available for this profile") return # Parse items and build kodi listitems for virtual directory items = [] for item in data: #url = sys.argv[0] + '?getalbum=' + actor + "&id=" + str(item['id']) li = xbmcgui.ListItem(str(item['id'])) li.setArt({'icon': item['coverUrl']}) if show_all: if not item['accessMode'] == 'free': if item['accessMode'] == 'paid': li.setLabel(item['title'] + " (" + str(item['cost']) + " tks)") if item['accessMode'] == 'friends': li.setLabel(item['title'] + " (friends)") if item['accessMode'] == 'fanClub': li.setLabel(item['title'] + " (fan club)") if item['accessMode'] == 'verified': li.setLabel(item['title'] + " (verified)") li.setInfo('video', {'Duration': str(item['duration']), 'plot': "Restricted video: This is just a (shorter) trailer in lower quality."}) url = sys.argv[0] + '?playurl=' + item['trailerUrl'] + "&title=" + actor + " - " + item['title'] items.append((url, li, False)) else: li.setLabel(item['title']) li.setInfo('video', {'Duration': str(item['duration'])}) #li.setArt({'icon': item['coverUrl'], 'thumb': item['coverUrl']}) url = sys.argv[0] + '?playurl=' + item['videoUrl'] + "&title=" + actor + " - " + item['title'] items.append((url, li, False)) else: if item['accessMode'] == 'free': li.setLabel(item['title']) li.setInfo('video', {'plot': "Duration in seconds: " + str(item['duration'])}) #li.setArt({'icon': item['coverUrl']}) url = sys.argv[0] + '?playurl=' + item['videoUrl'] items.append((url, li, False)) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'videos') xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PLUGIN_ID, items) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(PLUGIN_ID) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Error", "Error filtering videos.") return def play_url(url, title): xbmc.log("PLAY URL: " + url, 1) li = xbmcgui.ListItem(str("Profile Video")) li.setInfo('video', {'Title' : title, "Genre" : "Profile Video", "Plot" : title}) li.setLabel(title) xbmc.Player().play(url,li) def show_picture(url): xbmc.executebuiltin('ShowPicture(%s)'%(url)) def slideshow2(actor, id): #xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Slideshow", "Actor: " + actor + " Id: " + str(id)) try: data = get_site_page_full(API_ENDPOINT_ALBUM.format(actor,id)) data = json.loads(data) data = data['photos'] if len(data) == 0: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("No photos", "Album contains no photos to display.") else: items = [] urls = [] i = 1 for item in data: li = xbmcgui.ListItem(str(item['id'])) #li.setLabel(str(item['id'])) li.setLabel("Photo " + str(i).zfill(2)) i += 1 if not "url" in item: li.setArt({'icon': item['urlThumbMicro']}) url = sys.argv[0] + '?showpicture=' + item['urlThumbMicro'] else: li.setArt({'icon': item['urlThumb'], 'thumb': item['urlThumb']}) url = sys.argv[0] + '?showpicture=' + item['url'] urls.append(sys.argv[0] + '?showpicture=' + item['url']) li.setArt({'fanart' : str(item['urlThumb'])}) items.append((url, li, False)) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'files') xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PLUGIN_ID, items, i) #xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(PLUGIN_ID) #xbmc.StartSlideshow() xbmc.executebuiltin('SlideShow('+ "" + ', pause)') #xbmc.executebuiltin('SlideShow('+ sys.argv[0] + "?getpicture=" + data[0]['url'] + ')') except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Error", "Error getting album.") def slideshow(actor, id): xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialog)') xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateWindow(Pictures,"+ sys.argv[0] + '?getalbum=' + actor + "&id=" + id +")") #xbmc.executebuiltin('SlideShow('+ sys.argv[0] + '?getalbum=' + actor + "&id=" + str(id) + ', pause)') #xbmc.executebuiltin("Action(Play)") def get_picture(url): data = get_site_page_full(url) return data def play_actor(actor, genre="Stripchat"): """Get playlist for actor/username and add m3u8 to kodi's playlist""" # Try to play actor try: # Fetch and store HTML url = API_ENDPOINT_MODEL.format(actor) data = get_site_page_full(url) data = json.loads(data) bio = "" img = data["user"]["user"]["avatarUrl"] if not data["cam"]["topic"] == "": bio = "Topic: " + data["cam"]["topic"] + "\n" hls_source = "https://b-{0}{1}/master/{1}_auto.m3u8".format(data["cam"]["viewServers"]["flashphoner-hls"],data["cam"]["streamName"]) status = data["user"]["user"]["status"] statusts = data["user"]["user"]["statusChangedAt"] isLive = data["user"]["user"]["isLive"] # Not live (public) if isLive == False: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(STRINGS['not_live'], STRINGS['last_status'] + USER_STATES_NICE[status] + "\nTimestamp: " + statusts) return # All other states if not status == "public": if status in USER_STATES_NICE: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(STRINGS['na'], STRINGS['last_status'] + USER_STATES_NICE[status]) return # Unknown state else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(STRINGS['na'], STRINGS['unknown_status'] + status) return # Extract playlist pl = hls_source #xbmc.log("URL: " + str(pl),1) # Bio stats if not data["cam"]["goal"] == None: bio += "Goal: " + data["cam"]["goal"]["description"] + " [" + str(data["cam"]["goal"]["spent"]) + "/" + str(data["cam"]["goal"]["goal"]) + "]\n" if not data["user"]["user"]["name"] == "": bio += "Name: " + data["user"]["user"]["name"] + "\n" viewers = get_viewers_count(actor) bio += "Viewers: " + str(viewers) + "\n" bio += get_prices_string_for_plot(data["user"]["user"]) + "\n" if not data["user"]["user"]["description"] == "": bio += "Description: " + data["user"]["user"]["description"] + "\n" #bio += "Birthday: " + data["user"]["user"]["birthDate"] # Build kodi listem for playlist li = xbmcgui.ListItem(actor) li.setInfo('video', {'Genre': genre, 'plot': bio}) li.setArt({'icon': img}) li.setMimeType('application/') # Play stream xbmc.Player().play(pl, li) except: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("Error", "Something went wrong.", "", 1000, False) def get_site_page(page): """Fetch HTML data from site""" url = "%s/%s" % (SITE_URL, page) xbmc.log("URL: " + url, 1) req = urllib.request.Request(url) req.add_header('Referer', SITE_REFFERER) req.add_header('Origin', SITE_ORIGIN) req.add_header('User-Agent', USER_AGENT) req.add_header('Accept', SITE_ACCEPT) return urllib.request.urlopen(req).read() def get_site_page_full(page): """Fetch HTML data from site""" req = urllib.request.Request(page) req.add_header('Referer', SITE_REFFERER) req.add_header('Origin', SITE_ORIGIN) req.add_header('User-Agent', USER_AGENT) req.add_header('Accept', SITE_ACCEPT) return urllib.request.urlopen(req).read() def search_actor(): """Search for actor/username and list item if username exists""" s = xbmcgui.Dialog().input("Search username") if s == '': xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=False) else: data = {} # Prepare request url = "{0}/cam".format(s) try: data = get_site_page_full(url) data = json.loads(data) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Nothing found", "Username does not exist. Please try again.") return status = "off" # Grab search result try: # At this point we can be sure the username exists, otherwise: execept part try: # Try to extract the playlist. Only exists if user is online and not in private status = data["user"]["user"]["status"] #pl = re.findall(PAT_PLAYLIST, data)[0] #pl = pl.replace(b'\\u002D', b'-') except: # User is offline pass # Build kodi listem for virtual directory li = xbmcgui.ListItem(s) # Context menu commands = [] commands.append(('[COLOR orange]' + ADDON_SHORTNAME + ' - Add as favourite [/COLOR]','RunScript(' + ADDON_NAME + ', ' + str(sys.argv[1]) + ', add_favourite, ' + s + ')')) commands.append(('Show profile albums',"Container.Update(%s?%s)" % ( sys.argv[0], "getalbums=" + s))) commands.append(('Show profile videos',"Container.Update(%s?%s)" % ( sys.argv[0], "getvideos=" + s))) li.addContextMenuItems(commands, True) # Regex bio stats # Bio stats bio = "" if "goal" in data["cam"] and not data["cam"]["goal"] == None: bio += "Goal: " + data["cam"]["goal"]["description"] + " [" + str(data["cam"]["goal"]["spent"]) + "/" + str(data["cam"]["goal"]["goal"]) + "]\n" if not data["user"]["user"]["name"] == "": bio += "Name: " + data["user"]["user"]["name"] + "\n" viewers = get_viewers_count(s) bio += "Viewers: " + str(viewers) + "\n" if not data["user"]["user"]["description"] == "": bio += "Description: " + data["user"]["user"]["description"] + "\n" #bio += "Birthday: " + data["user"]["user"]["birthDate"] if status=="public": # Regex thumbnail img = data["user"]["user"]["avatarUrl"] # Regex topic topic = data["cam"]["topic"] li.setInfo('video', {'Genre': '', 'plot': topic + "\n\n" + bio}) li.setLabel(s) else: # Prepare default thumbnail img = data["user"]["user"]["avatarUrl"] li.setInfo('video', {'plot': bio}) if status=="private": li.setLabel(s + " (pvt)") if status=="p2p": li.setLabel(s + " (p2p)") if status=="virtualPrivate": li.setLabel(s + " (vPvt)") if status=="groupShow": li.setLabel(s + " (group)") if status=="p2pVoice": li.setLabel(s + " (p2pV)") if status=="off": li.setLabel(s + " (off)") if status=="idle": li.setLabel(s + " (idle)") # Set thumbnail and fanart li.setArt({'icon': img, 'fanart' : data["user"]["user"]["previewUrl"]}) # Put items to virtual directory listing url = sys.argv[0] + '?playactor=' + s xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'videos') xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(PLUGIN_ID, [(url, li, True)]) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(PLUGIN_ID) # Actor does not exist, we got an HTTP 404 error except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(str(e), "Username does not exist. Please try again.") def search_actor2(): """Fuzzy Search for actor/username and list item if username is online""" s = xbmcgui.Dialog().input("Fuzzy search username") if s == '': xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=False) return url = API_ENDPOINT_SEARCH.format(s) xbmc.log("URL: " + url,1) try: data = get_site_page_full(url) data = data.decode('utf-8') cams = json.loads(data) xbmc.log("CAMS: " + str(len(cams['models'])),1) if len(cams['models']) == 0: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Nothing found", "No cams for this search term.") return # Build kodi list items for virtual directory items = get_cam_infos_as_items(cams) # Put items to virtual directory listing and set sortings put_virtual_directoy_listing(items) return except: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Error", "Error filtering cams.") return def get_cam_infos_from_favourites(usernames): return def get_username_string_from_status(username, status): if status in USER_STATES: if status == "public": return username else: return username + " (" + USER_STATES[status] + ")" else: return username + " (???)" def get_tag_string_for_plot(item): tags = [] s = "Tags: " if item['isNew']: tags.append("NEW") if item['isHd'] == True: tags.append("HD") if item['isVr'] == True: tags.append("VR") if len(tags) == 0: return "" else: tags = str(tags).replace("'", "") + "\n" s += tags return s def get_prices_string_for_plot(item): s = "Token price: " s2 = "not set" if "doPrivate" in item and "privateRate" in item: if item['doPrivate'] == True: s += str(item['privateRate']) + " (Pvt) " s2 = "" if "doP2p" in item and "p2pRate" in item: if item['doP2p'] == True: s += str(item['p2pRate']) + " (P2P) " s2 = "" if "doSpy" in item and "spyRate" in item: if item['doSpy'] == True: s += str(item['spyRate']) + " (Spy)" s2 = "" return s + s2 def get_cam_infos_as_items(cams): # Clean Thumbnails before opening the list if DEL_THUMBS_ON_STARTUP: tool_thumbnails_delete2() # Build kodi list items for virtual directory items = [] id = 0 for item in cams['models']: if not item['status'] == "offfff": username = item['username'] icon = "{0}/{1}_webp".format(item['snapshotTimestamp'],item['id']) #xbmc.log("ICON for " + username + ": " + icon, 1) url = sys.argv[0] + '?playactor=' + username #xbmc.log("SC19: " + url,1) li = xbmcgui.ListItem(username) li.setLabel(get_username_string_from_status(username, item['status'])) # PREVIEWURL REMOVED 20220505, USE THUMBBIG INSTEAD (CAN BE GUESSED, 'full' STILL EXISTS) li.setArt({'icon': icon, 'thumb' : icon, 'fanart': item['previewUrlThumbBig']}) #li.setArt({'icon': icon, 'thumb' : item['previewUrlThumbBig'], 'fanart': item['previewUrlThumbBig']}) li.setInfo('video', {'sorttitle': str(id).zfill(2) + " - " + username}) id = id + 1 # Tag info plot = get_tag_string_for_plot(item) # Status plot += "Status: " + USER_STATES_NICE[item['status']] + "\n" # Prices plot += get_prices_string_for_plot(item) # Set plot li.setInfo('video', {'plot': plot}) # Context menu li.addContextMenuItems(get_ctx_for_cam_item(username), True) items.append((url, li, True)) return items def get_ctx_for_cam_item(username, remove=False): # Context menu commands = [] # Favourites if remove: commands.append(('[COLOR orange]' + ADDON_SHORTNAME + ' - Remove favourite [/COLOR]','RunScript(' + ADDON_NAME + ', ' + str(sys.argv[1]) + ', remove_favourite, ' + username + ')')) else: commands.append(('[COLOR orange]' + ADDON_SHORTNAME + ' - Add as favourite [/COLOR]','RunScript(' + ADDON_NAME + ', ' + str(sys.argv[1]) + ', add_favourite, ' + username + ')')) commands.append(('[COLOR orange]' + ADDON_SHORTNAME + ' - Refresh thumbnails [/COLOR]','RunScript(' + ADDON_NAME + ', ' + str(sys.argv[1]) + ', ctx_thumbnails_delete)')) # Profile info commands.append(('Show profile albums',"Container.Update(%s?%s)" % ( sys.argv[0], "getalbums=" + username))) commands.append(('Show profile videos',"Container.Update(%s?%s)" % ( sys.argv[0], "getvideos=" + username))) # Settings #commands.append(('Settings',xbmc.executebuiltin('ADDON.openSettings()'))) #commands.append(('Settings',ADDON.openSettings())) #ShowPicture(picture) return commands def get_icon_from_status(status): icon = "DefaultVideo.png" if status == "private": icon = ART_FOLDER + 'icon-pvt.png' elif status == "p2p": icon = ART_FOLDER + 'icon-p2p.png' elif status == "virtualPrivate": icon = ART_FOLDER + 'icon-pvt.png' elif status == "groupShow": icon = ART_FOLDER + 'icon-group.png' elif status == "p2pVoice": icon = ART_FOLDER + 'icon-p2p.png' elif status == "idle": icon = ART_FOLDER + 'icon-idle.png' elif status == "off": icon = ART_FOLDER + 'icon-off.png' return icon def tool_thumbnails_delete(): rc = tool_thumbnails_delete2() # Summary dialog xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Delete Thumbnails", "Deleted %s thumbnail files and database entries" % (str(rc))) def tool_thumbnails_delete2(): # Connect to textures db conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_TEXTURES) # Set cursors cur = conn.cursor() cur_del = conn.cursor() # Delete thimbnail files cur.execute(Q_THUMBNAILS) rc = 0 rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: rc = rc + 1 #xbmc.log("Thumb: " + PATH_THUMBS + str(row[1]),1) if os.path.exists(PATH_THUMBS + str(row[1])): os.remove(PATH_THUMBS + str(row[1])) #xbmc.log("The file has been successfully deleted.",1) else: #xbmc.log("The file does not exist.",1) pass # Delete entries from db cur_del.execute(Q_DEL_THUMBNAILS) conn.commit() # Close connection conn.close() # Return number of entries found and log xbmc.log(ADDON_SHORTNAME + ": Deleted %s thumbnail files and database entries" % (str(rc)),1) return rc if __name__ == "__main__": evaluate_request()